Every second Saturday of the month there will be a new comic posted to our website . Make sure to stay tuned for the new comics coming in the upcoming months.
By signing up you will recieve our monthly comic in the mail free of charge. It will arrive approximately every second Saturday of the month. If you would like to receive the comic, you can sign up down below! We do send internationally! Thank you for joining! Enjoy!
By signing up you will recieve our monthly comic in the mail completely for free! It will arrive approximately every second Saturday of the month. We do send our comic globally. May take longer to ship outside of the United States than normal. We never sell your information. If you would like to stop receiving it at anytime email us at Siouxwoodworks@gmail.com. Thank you for joining!
If you would like to help in keeping our monthly comics free. You can donate down below. This goes toward postage cost and publishing. We appreciate your help!
Copyright © 2017 - 2023 Sioux Wood Works - All Rights reserved. Due to each toy being handmade there may be slight differences in each product.
Recommended ages 3 and up